Blog 3 - TransCampus worskshop in collaboration with TU Dresden
Rui, 8 June 2023

On 31 May 2023, the first technical workshop of the TransCampus project 'modelling of distribution system impedance for transmission system studies' took place at Bush House. Guests and speakers are experts from both industry and academia were invited based on their experience in power quality. They actively exchange ideas upon arrival and while enjoying coffee and refreshments.
Professor Luca Vigano (Vice-Dean of Enterprise & Engagement, Faculty of Natural, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences at KCL) opened the day with welcoming the guests and providing a comprehensive overview of the Facultythe TransCampus collaboration between KCL and TUD, that is now in the eighth year. Dr Grazia Todeschini then provided an overview of the project and revised the agenda of the day.
The first session covered current practices, providing an overview from National Grid Electricity Transmission (Dr Kah Leong Koo), CIGRE (Dr. Zia Emin) and the University of Manchester (Miss Yuanqi Zhao, PhD candidate). Interesting questions about measurement validation, distribution system modelling and software followed.
After lunch and networking, the second session covered experiences from university. Dr Grazia Todeschini illustrated the main finding from a recently completed EPSRC project, Dr Ana Maria Blanco explained simulation results and Dr Max Domagk described measurement-based determination.
The last session of the day dealt with identified challenges and future steps. Professor Jan Meyer led the discussion and engaged with the attendees to discuss the seminar topics more deeply.
Please contact us if you have you want to discuss more in details modelling of distribution systems for harmonic studies, measurements, software and test cases. A second workshop will take place in Dresden on the 8th and 9th of November.
Contact: grazia.todeschini@kcl.ac.uk